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First In-Person Networking Meetup since 2020 Energizes South Florida Interactive Community
South Florida Interactive Marketing Association welcomed dozens of new friends and old colleagues last Thursday, as our professional digital marketing group held its first in-person meetup in more than two years at the Doral Yard in Downtown Doral.
Dozens of attendees came out, surpassing expectations on a rainy evening. The air was alive with animated discussions of whether Google is too big, exciting new conversion tracking platforms, what makes the TikTok algorithm work and the cost-benefit analysis on becoming a digital nomad.
For many in attendance, it was a badly needed outlet of professional expression, especially since so many in our industry are now working remotely. In addition, the Doral Yard offered the perfect back drop for an engaging evening, complete with a range of food options, free drinks for the first 20 meetup attendees and live music.
Business Cards Yield to QR Codes
No doubt accelerated by the pandemic, most attendees opted to connect with each other via QR code, rather than business cards. If you’re starting to participate in networking events again soon, be sure to get yours too. Whether you tap the built-in QR code for your LinkedIn profile or set up a personal QR code tied directly to your contact information, the QR code has become the connection method of choice.
Next Stop: Boca Raton
The South Florida IMA will soon be heading to Boca Raton for our next meetup in advance of the August 9th educational event featuring Microsoft. The Boca event is currently earmarked for Thursday, July 14th at the Boca Biergarten. Stay tuned for more details and sign up for our email list using the form on this page for ongoing event notifications.
Images from the SFIMA Doral Happy Hour MeetUp